Post by xxdxmhippiexx on Jan 1, 2017 17:59:00 GMT
Is there supposed to be a simple way to get a screenshot with this?..i found myself having to exit out of remoteAKL at just the right moment in order for it save the screenshot..maybe have a /snap imgName command so it don't constantly take new screenshots overwriting the old one?..Only takes a new screen shot on command..would be much simpler unless i am using this wrong. lol look at save() method, just use it with region and have a custom name by yourself I was using that but this is supposed to be a better method..i figured it out. Didnt know i was supposed to use MWsnap with it.
Post by vampiredbr9 on Jan 15, 2017 12:23:16 GMT
look at save() method, just use it with region and have a custom name by yourself I was using that but this is supposed to be a better method..i figured it out. Didnt know i was supposed to use MWsnap with it. For my Clash Royale Bot, i used my devices inbuilt screenshot function, by holding down the power button and clicking screenshot. It seems to work for me. Hope this helps you
Post by prince on Mar 4, 2017 23:34:39 GMT
Post by AnkuLua on Mar 4, 2017 23:44:53 GMT
What's your environment?
Post by prince on Mar 5, 2017 14:20:02 GMT
win7 on 64bit
Post by AnkuLua on Mar 5, 2017 14:31:53 GMT
What's your java version? Please update to latest.
Post by prince on Mar 6, 2017 11:40:40 GMT
latest version, uninstalled java and installed again but still the same when i start it without console the i get: also disabled debug modus on phone without sucess, my phone is huawei p8 lite 2017 with android 7
Post by AnkuLua on Mar 6, 2017 11:51:42 GMT
Try modifying line 24 to 28 of pyLib\remoteAKL.py as following
#print ("JVM is " + java.lang.System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model") + "-bit" ) #if (java.lang.System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model") == "64"): java.lang.System.loadLibrary('opencv_java2410_x64') #else: # java.lang.System.loadLibrary('opencv_java2410_x86') You can also comment out line 2 of remoateAKL.bat
@echo off rem chcp 437
Post by prince on Mar 6, 2017 12:21:40 GMT
works now thanks
Post by dionvk on Apr 27, 2017 18:32:06 GMT
Active code page: 437
Welcome to AnkuLua Remote Display
Report issues to ankulua@gmail.com
No devices found
kill server and try again...
01:26:49 E/DeviceMonitor: Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
01:26:50 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 1
deviceID: List
start taking screenshot
error: device not found
finish screenshot
Could Not Find C:\Users\dion\Downloads\Compressed\remoteAKL.v1.0\remoteAKL\tmp.png
Error: fail to capture screenshot
Try again
run on x64 and using xiaomi note 1 4G
Post by dionvk on Apr 27, 2017 19:03:58 GMT
nvm its working already
New Member
Posts: 5
Post by xcq on Sept 3, 2017 5:47:43 GMT
Is it really worth to stream image from phone? I mean is quality of streamed image 100% the same like directly from the phone? Making images on phone and uploading them into computer seems to be more secure (ofc it is slower). BTW I am experiencing this problem: Win 7 Professional x64 Newest java update no root
Post by AnkuLua on Sept 3, 2017 7:22:16 GMT
New Member
Posts: 5
Post by xcq on Sept 3, 2017 14:03:00 GMT
Phone: Alcatel pop 3 idol 5.5USB debug was already ON. Disabled AV on PC Disabled FireWall on PC So I installed*: Universal ADB Driver Android ADB Driver Android WinADBUSB Driver Qualcomm USB Driver from here: www.skyneel.com/android-usb-driverI couldnt install all of drivers because I had information, that I already have ADB installed. Next I tried install this: But again it says that my drivers are up to date. *I've installed this before I started to try remoteAKl Phone: Sony Xperia E4
Everything works OK. //ALSO My feature request: Highlight those regions which arent changing
Post by drblast on Jan 9, 2020 20:51:54 GMT
Current implementation creates only one tmp.png and saves it to sdcard root (emulated scard) It's better to make one more checkbox - create unique file and add timestamp to filename. something like this:
if (DEBUG): print "start taking screenshot"
device = devices[cmbDevice.selectedIndex]
t = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
f = "tmp%s.png" % t
command = "tools\\adb -s " + device + " shell screencap -p /sdcard/AnkuLua/captured_images/" + f
command = "tools\\adb -s " + device + " pull /sdcard/AnkuLua/captured_images/" + f + " " + f + " 2> nul"
os.system(command) mat = Highgui.imread( f, Highgui.IMREAD_COLOR)
os.system("del " + f)