Post by qq12345 on Apr 4, 2017 2:35:00 GMT
Hey folks, I have some fairly specific requests for a script, so I thought to offer a smallish bounty to anyone who makes a new script or incorporates these into an existing script. (standalone would be preferred unless it does not consume more resources on the phone?)
I would be sharing the script with a small number of friends, so let me know if that is an issue. You could add this to your current script/post or offer it for donations or what not if you so desire, I am simply encouraging the development of the script.
do drop me a pm/post here if you would like to take it up so I could update the thread and we do not end up in a situation where multiple people take on the task but I have only one reward! In such cases I would have to award it to the "best" script.
I am running on a note 5 1440 x 2560 pixels and the 1920x780 (16:9) used in other scripts typically works for me. I can provide screenshots if necessary, just let me know what is needed.
Non Flat Stat runes: Slots 1,3,5, and Slot 2(Speed,HP%,ATK%,DEF%)/ Slot 4 (HP%,ATK%,DEF%,CDMG%,CR%), Slot 6(HP%,ATK%,DEF%,RES%,ACCURACY%)
1.Script should be quick, reliable and consistent
2.Farm GB/DB/NB10
3.GB/DB/NB10 Rune drop filtering (as reliably as possible, and not sell wrong runes on occasion)
Option to keep all the below options at once
a.6* general runes: keep all hero and legend nonflatstat runes
b.6* runes with speed: keep all rare, hero and legend nonflatstat runes that have speed on substatsfor slots 1,3,4,5,6, or are speed rune 2
c.5*runes: Keep only hero and legend nonflatstat runes that have speed on substats for slots 1,3,4,5,6 or are speed rune 2
d. option to Keep all 6* non flat stat legend runes (for appraisal stone usage)
These should result in the script keeping all the following:
Keep All 6* hero or legend non flat stat runes (1,3,5 and %(and speed)2,4,6 )
Keep all 6* Rare and above runes with Speed substats or are speed rune 2 selling slot 2 with speed substats and only keep slot 2 speed mainstat
Keep only 5* Hero or Legend runes with speed substats or are speed rune 2 , selling slot 2 with speed substats and only keep slot 2 speed mainstat
examples: Keep all 6* rare and above runes IF they are speed mainstat rune 2 or have speed substats for 1,3,4,5,6. Otherwise only keep 6* non flat stat hero and above runes.
I would also like an option to also keep option to keep 5 and 6* hero and legend flatstat runes with speed substats
which means in addition to the above, it would also keep 5 and 6* hero and legend flatstat 1,3,4,5,6 runes with speed substats.
Toggle to Check Magic Shop for MS
Toggle to Do Arena
Toggle to Do RTA
payment will be done thru paypal.